If up to one out of 10 women has PCOS, then I have to know some women who have it, right? Obviously I do, but how to find out? Well, I have officially found that friend because I recalled her trouble conceiving and that her symptoms were similar to mine. Turns out, I was right.
Although this is a time where I realize this isn't exactly something to celebrate as I wouldn't wish PCOS on anyone -- except maybe an enemy? Am I going to hell for that? -- it is comforting to know someone else who has been through this. Even if it's just one person.
As a seasoned veteran of the PCOS world, my friend has already shared a little bit of positive information with me. I already knew that she managed to get pregnant, but what I didn't really know is how. She also has a couple friends with PCOS, and each of them has two children. Each of these three women with PCOS got pregnant in different ways: Metformin, Fermara (a breast cancer drug that can actually help women with PCOS ovulate), herb supplements and acupuncture, and IVF. Not one of the three ever got pregnant on Clomid. This is of particular interest seeing as this is the solution my doctor immediately offered.
My friend said her friends recommended she read The Fertility Diet. She said she never got around to it because she just happened to get pregnant, somewhat miraculously and unexpectedly. Oddly enough, by the time my friend told me about The Fertility Diet recommendation I was already partway through the book. It's one of the two books I picked up this weekend at the library.
I am hoping to learn a lot more details from my friend in the near future. In the meantime, I've finished reading A Patient's Guide to PCOS: Understanding and Reversing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, I am blazing through The Fertility Diet and I am awaiting the arrival of my other book PCOS and Your Fertility. Once I'm done with this reading, I'll post some book reviews, and I hope I'll be one step closer to figuring out what I should do. Right now I don't feel much of a sense of urgency because I'm on CD 23 with no sign of ovulation in sight, and I know that if I decide to go on a medication I can't start it until I get my next period, which probably won't happen until early April.
At least while I wait I know one person who's been down this road and who I can seek out for support.
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